Early On
Early On® is an early intervention system that provides services for children ages 0-3 years of age with developmental delays and/or disabilities.
The first years of a child's life are very important, but children grow and learn at different rates. If that little voice inside your head is telling you that something isn't "quite right" with your baby or toddler, don't wait to reach out for help.
Don't wait to see if your little one "outgrows" your concern. Put your mind at ease, and get your child the help he or she may need by calling today!
Program Details
Developmental Milestones
Each baby goes through developmental stages but remember, no two children develop and grow at exactly the same pace.
The guide below lists a few things you can look for as you watch your child's growth and development. If you have questions or concerns about how your child is growing or developing, you may want to talk to your child's doctor or complete the Early On Referral Form.
- By 2 months your baby should...
- By 4 months your baby should...
- By 6 months your baby should...
- By 9 months your baby should...
- By 12 months your baby should...
- By 2 years your toddler should...
- By 3 years your toddler should...
By 2 months your baby should...
By 4 months your baby should...
By 6 months your baby should...
By 9 months your baby should...
By 12 months your baby should...
By 2 years your toddler should...
By 3 years your toddler should...
Contact Patrick Conley
Supervisor of Birth to Three Services
269-471-7725 ext. 3384
Fax: 269-473-1113
How to Get Help
Early On Referral Form
(for ages 0-3 only)
Any concerned adult may make a referral for a child if they suspect a developmental delay or if the child has a pre-existing health condition(s).
If you have a referral for a child who is over the age of 3 please use the Build Up Michigan form.