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Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM)

Our Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math courses include career preparation in areas such as mechatronics, engineering, and mechanical drafting.

Mechanical Drawing/CAD courses are designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of drafting.  Students will be given the opportunity to independently and collaboratively work on visualization, sketching, and drawing by hand and electronically, including the use of SolidWorks. 3D printing will be a part of the class experience.  The skills attained are needed in architectural, mechanical, and engineering firms around the world.

Mechatronics/Robotics students will gain an understanding of the role of service technicians and develop skills to install, maintain, and repair industrial control & electronic equipment used in offices, factories, homes, hospitals, aircraft, and other industries. Concepts covered will include fundamentals of electricity, digital electronics, motors & motor control circuits, process control instrumentation, programmable logic controllers, hydraulics and pneumatics, industrial robotics, contemporary mathematics, and basic welding.